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Publishes in psychology and psychiatry, social work, education, communications, geography, and social theory. Founded in , Guilford has built an international reputation as a publisher of books, periodicals, and DVDs in mental health, education, geography, and research methods.
Thames and Hudson
Publisher of illustrated books and CD-ROMs on the visual arts, art history, fashion, travel, history and archeology. Independent, family-owned company, Thames & Hudson is one of the world’s leading publishers of illustrated books with over , titles in print. We publish high-quality books across all areas of visual creativity: the arts (fine, applied, decorative, performing), architecture, design, photography, fashion, film and music, and also archaeology, history and popular culture.
Books A Million
Online bookstore offering discount books, music, movies and magazines. Founded in as a street corner newsstand in Florence, Alabama, Books-A-Million, Inc. has grown to become the premier book retailing chain in the Southeastern United States, and the second largest book retailer in the nation. Based in Birmingham, Alabama, the company currently operates more than stores in states and the District of Columbia.
Powell’s Books
Powell's Books is an independent bookseller serving Portland, Oregon, since . We've grown to employ over people across five Portland-area stores and, and our book inventory exceeds two million volumes. In spite of our substantial size and reach, we remain grounded by our company's core values, which have guided us through the ups and downs of the bookselling industry. Each and every employee's love of books drives us forward.
Abe Books
Source for used, new, rare and out of print books. Find classic collectibles, rare signed editions, used textbooks, and inexpensive bestsellers from independent booksellers worldwide. AbeBooks is an online marketplace for books, fine art and collectibles where you can discover and buy the things you love. Trusted independent sellers from around the world offer for sale millions of new, used and rare books, as well as art and collectibles through the AbeBooks websites.
Prima Games
Video game strategy guides - video game cheats, codes, strategy, and walkthroughs. Prima Games is the world's leading publisher of video game strategy guides. Prima Games, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House Inc., is the world’s leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games.
Management Pocketbook
Publish management training resources, train the trainer materials, books on leadership training and team building, and guides to inter-personal skills and self-development.
Sherwood Publishing
Organisational consultancy, training provider and publisher, specialising in people skills and corporate cultures.