Bath and Body
Shopping directory category of online stores, businesses, ε-commerce, offering bath and body products and services.
Woods of Windsor
50 High Street, Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom SL4 1LR
Luxury bath and beauty products from the UK, including body lotions, fragrances, soaps and hand creams, for men and women.
Magnolia Springs
5043 Barnett Loop, Shingle Springs, California, USA
Natural bath and skin care products using essential oils.
Purple Haze
127 W Washington St., Sequim, Washington, USA
Manufacturing and selling products made from organically grown lavender. Includes aromatherapy, skin care and bath products.
The Soap Opera
319 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Supplier of body care, skin care, hair care products, aromatherapy oils, soaps and custom scented products.