How To Build A Blog In A Few Simple Steps

If you have the desire to create your own blog, but do not know where to start, you are in the right place. It is much easier than you think and today we will see the process in simple steps.

The reason you need to create your own blog is because nowadays if you do not have an online presence, you do not exist. The easiest and most economical way to get an online presence is to create your own blog. The blog does not have to be personal. It can be a professional blog started by a doctor to share his knowledge and thoughts, a writer to reach out to his readers or a small business to interact with clients.

Nevertheless, even a personal blog, a blog you create to record your personal life, has the power to change the course of your life. To broaden your horizons, to bring you in contact with other remarkable people and to open new paths.

Being on social media alone is not enough. In social media, your page does not belong to you and can be deleted at any time, without notice. You also do not have control over the organic impact, ie how many times your posts will appear and the rules are constantly changing. And it is frustrating to try to compete with millions of other pages and accounts by trying to decipher algorithms, claiming a place in the timeline.

If you want to start your own blog, there are two ways. Free platforms such as and and non-free platforms such as On free platforms your blog is hosted on the servers of the respective service. While when it is self-hosted, even though the application is still free, it is hosted on your own servers. Of course, because most of us do not have our own servers, we rent space on the servers of a hosting company.

Free platforms may seem like a better choice and in some cases they are. When, for example, a teacher starts a blog for her class. But if your blog is professional, if you have plans to grow in the future or if you just have more requirements, free platforms will not cover you.

Also on the free platforms your blog does not belong to you and can be deleted without notice. It is positive that there are free platforms because this is how everyone starts their experimentation in creating websites. But at some point you can not do everything you want on the free blog. But by starting from scratch on your own self-hosted blog, you will be able to avoid delays, time and money.

The biggest obstacle to starting your own self-hosted blog is the lack of technical knowledge, because everything seems difficult at first, but also the cost of creation. But the steps are simple, as long as someone is found to present them. As for the cost? The absolutely necessary expenses are the domain name, that is the name that someone enters in the browser’s address to enter the blog and the hosting, and the rent of the space in the hosting company. A domain name costs about $ 15 a year and the cost of hosting a small site or blog is less than $ 5 a month.

The process.

  • Register your domain name.
  • Choose a hosting company.
  • Add nameservers.
  • Install WordPress.
  • Get into WordPress and post your first post.

Register the domain name.

Decide what your domain name will be. That is, what will be the address that someone will enter in the browser to visit your blog.

Of course the domain you want to register should be available. That is, no one else has already closed it.

The procedure to check if the domain you want is free and to register it is as follows:

Visit the registrar of your choice.

Enter the name you want in the search bar and press Search. If the name you want is available, add it to the cart. If not available try another name. When you are ready for the next step, select Register Now.

Log in to your account or create a new account to choose a payment method and complete the process.

Choose a hosting company.

Choose the hosting company that will host your blog and buy the hosting package. The hosting company is like an owner renting you a house or an apartment. It may not rent you physical space, but it does rent you online space on its servers for your blog, that is, for your online home. There are thousands of hosting companies around the world.

Add nameservers.

Enter the Domain control panel. Nameservers will be added to the column automatically, so go to the next step, Add nameservers, which you will click to add.

In the tab that opens, add the names of the primary and secondary namesever as they appear in the email sent to you by the hosting company immediately after purchasing your package. Check that the names listed here are the same as the ones on the email. If the names are not the same, correct them.

Install WordPress.

From the hosting management control panel, select the control panel.

Select Applications.

WordPress is one of the first. Click and select Install. Accept the terms of use.

In the Installation of WordPress tab that opens, turn off automatic updates if you want, add an administrator name and password, enter the name of your blog and set the installation language. All this can change later. But prefer to do them from the beginning for convenience.

Get into WordPress and publish the first article.

To login to WordPress simply add / wp-admin after your domain name. For example if your domain name is, to enter the WordPress control panel enter

Add this address to your bookmarks for easy access. To login, enter the username and password as defined.

Go to Posts – All Posts. Delete the first article that was automatically published by WordPress itself. Click the New Post button. Choose a title and write the text.

Click Publish. This is an important moment that you will never forget in your life.

Congratulations! You just posted your first post. A great new journey has just begun!

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